Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Kenya Believe It!?

It is official. I leave for Kenya September 19. Thus begins
my two year three month adventure. Am I nervous? Not really, just
really anxious. And I realize I have A LOT to do before I go. And
I'm a procrastinator.

Some specifics: I will be teaching high school math in a community
school. The first three months are training, including learning
Swahili and getting culture and safety training. Based on the
training the Peace Corps will pair me up with the assignment that
suits me best. Then it is two years of service.

I'll update this site as often as I can while I am over there, but
they made it clear that internet will not be nearly as accessible as
it is in the U.S.

Also, the site is still being worked on so such things as the
"evidence" tab (aka the photo gallery) and "misc" doesn't really give
you much. These should be remedied by the end of the month, as the maintainer is currently in Africa.

(A note from the future: the "misc" tab would forever be in a state of limbo ... but at least the evidence tab flourished.)

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