Thursday, September 15, 2005

3-2-1 Contact ... Information

Information people have been persistently requesting:



Matt Priest, Peace Corps Trainee
P.O. Box 30518
Nairobi, Kenya

The address is good for the first few months as I go through training and then I probably will have a new one as I move on. I do welcome letters, but I would not recomment putting anything important or valuable in with the letters. Its pretty common to find mail already opened by the time it gets to the intended recipient.

On a related note, I was reading the other day that Nairobi has a nickname: Nai-robbery. Yes, it has now surpassed Johannesburg as the most crime-ridden city in all of Africa. Yes, it is the winner in all the crime categories. It should be noted that most of these crimes take place in the 'shantytowns', but one should still be careful. Its alright, I'm a trained ninja. And by trained ninja I mean that I have seen a few Jackie Chan fims. But I digress...

As for the e-mail, go ahead and use this option to tell me what's going on with yourself. Chances are more likely you will get a personal response from me if you send an e-mail (no guarantees). I do enjoy reading the comments on the entries so keep those coming too.

Basically for the next two years I'm going to have to rely on these forms of communication to stay in touch with everybody, so if you don't correspond how will I know if you got that wart removed, received a new tattoo, or lowered your cholesterol? I need to know these things.

So I know this post was mostly technical and businessy so I promise a more emotion-filled, heart-tugging episode in the next couple days. 4 days and counting...

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